Monday, November 22, 2010

Not-So-New-Years Resolutions

It has been a while since my last post on the wonderful deliciousness of Dove Peppermint Bark.  In the past 11 days I have been uber-busy with 30 Days of Service at church and preparing and (successfully) defending my thesis.  During some of this time, I let my mind wander and as I let go of the anxiety, fear, overwhelming stress and overall exhaustion, I realized that despite the hectic chaos that is my life - I like being busy.  I don't like it when I have a lot of free time on my hands.  I am slowly finding out that I get more done if time is tight and the need to get things accomplished is high.  If I have an infinite amount of time on my hands, I will dilly-dally by watching TV, reading a magazine, cuddling with my dog or finding some game on Pogo to occupy my time.

It was during all of this thought that I realized I have let go of some of the things that are the most important to me.  Spending quality time with my family and friends.  This does not include gluing ourselves to the couch and watching hours of television and not saying a word to each other.  Sure - going to a movie or watching a favorite show together is great - but where is the conversation, where are the memories in that?  Who wants to start a story to their grandchildren, "One day your aunt and I were watching Grey's Anatomy..."  No!  We want to say, "well, we sure did give your grandma and grandpa a run for their money" or things of that nature.  So, my not-so-new-years resolution is to make the effort to really spend some time with my husband, each of my sisters and my parents.  And quality time at that.  

I also realized I have neglected some of my favorite reading.  The Bible is full of intellect, stories, great men and women, but most of all - it's full of the life lessons I need and the Ultimate Truth.  I can remember days that I couldn't wait to get home to read about another miracle, another saving grace, another sinner who found his way.  Now, I let it lay there, opening it occasionally, but tossing it aside for a romance novel or tabloid.  S, by second not-so-new-years resolution is to pick up my Bible first.  Read what really matters and not some fictitious character's conquest.

My final not-so-new-years resolution (for now) is to be a better Christian.  It is my belief that by bettering my relationship with Christ, I'll become the better daughter, better wife, better friend, better sister, better employee, and overall better person that I yearn to be.  It starts and ends with Him, so let's do this thing right.

Reflecting can be painful, and let me tell you, these past few years have tried me.  Graduate school takes a lot of time and effort, and to be honest, I dealt with a lot of folks whose beliefs differ from mine on all ends of the spectrum.  The love shown to me by my husband, family, friends and church family is what got me through and now it is time to hand it all over to Him and let Him run my life.  After all, I'm just along for the ride.

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